In-person cohousing tours are back! Sundays at 2:00pm.
Meet your tour guide at Touchstone’s common house, 560 Little Lake Drive.
Contact info@sunward.org, with general questions, or complete the contact list form at the bottom of this page to be notified when there is an opening in our community. Thanks!
Ann Arbor Cohousing Virtual Tour
If you’re not able to visit us in person, we offer the videos below to give you an idea of what cohousing is about.
Feel free to contact Robin at 734-274-9110 if you have questions or would like to talk further with one of the tour guides. Or email info@sunward.org.
1. Introductions. Who we are and how we found cohousing.
2. Why Cohousing? Some questions and answers about why we’ve chosen to live in cohousing.
3. What Is Cohousing? Answers to some common questions about what makes cohousing different.
4. Contrasting Communities. Each cohousing community has its own personality. We compare how they share commonalities and contrast their different strengths.
5. Work in Cohousing. A sharing of experiences and descriptions of how our communities do work together.
6. Meals in Cohousing. We eat very well in cohousing. Choices for everyone around meals and food.
7. Kids in Cohousing. Raising children in cohousing allows parents a lot of flexibility. We break down some of the ideas and choices available from parenting styles to schools.
8. Finances in Cohousing. How do we make it all work? With sound financial decisions and community input. Reasonable Association fees, a strong reserve fund, and low taxes. An explana...
9. Next Steps! Get in Touch! We'd really like to get to know you! Please give us a call.